Get ready to say “Game On!” for a unique parenting course tailored exclusively for dads. The program kicks off on Wednesday, 14th February, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and spans over 8 weeks.

Join us at the Green­stone Doors, St Bernadet­te’s Hall, 190 Naenae Road. Reach out to Francis via text at 021 0887 4824 for more details.

Facil­i­tated by Francis and Ian, the course delves into essen­tial topics such as under­stand­ing our kids’ needs, defin­ing our roles as dads, effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion, dis­ci­pline and bound­ary setting, and what con­tributes to a thriv­ing family dynamic. All this is explored in a relaxed atmos­phere, accom­pa­nied by deli­cious kai, tea/coffee, and engag­ing conversations.

To secure your spot, contact our Office Manager for reg­is­tra­tion at [email protected] or at [email protected].

Join Catholic Social Ser­vices on this journey of people helping people – Awhina Täto.