Dear Friend of Greenstone Doors

I write with an update on recent activity and an urgent appeal for financial support.

You will know that from January this year, we have moved our Lower Hutt ser­vices from Dudley Street, which had been our loca­tion for ten years, to 194 Naenae Road, Naenae. This has been a sound move. We are located right at the heart of the Hutt Valley com­mu­nity we serve, and we have managed to reduce our over­heads significantly.

Our relo­ca­tion to 194 Naenae Road began with our biggest ever Free Baby Cloth­ing Day – some­thing over 200 fam­i­lies were able to find items and our coun­selling and other support ser­vices have been fully func­tion­ing from “day one”.

Our Green­stone Doors Upper Hutt premises at the Chanel Family Centre con­tinue to be in strong demand and I am happy to report that in addi­tion to the Play­groups, coun­selling, free baby cloth­ing and our Men’s pro­gramme, the Fruit and Vege Coop serves over 70 fam­i­lies each week.

While it is great to be wel­comed into a com­mu­nity and be able to connect with others doing great work for women and their whanau, there are still sig­nif­i­cant needs to be met and costs to be managed. We con­tinue to receive encour­ag­ing feed­back from
funders about our support for women and fam­i­lies but the amount of funds avail­able to us through grant appli­ca­tions con­tin­ues to be hugely disappointing.

We are putting in place plans for longer-term, sus­tain­able funding, but we are not there yet.

We need your urgent help. In reality, we need to generate an additional $8000 per month, until at least August.

You can help by:

  • Making a one-off dona­tion (of any amount)
  • Setting up a monthly auto­matic payment
    Kiwibank account details: Green­stone Doors Trust, 38–9015-0360851–00

Or by con­tribut­ing online, through our Raisely appeal page:

We appre­ci­ate your part­ner­ship role in this work – and you should feel proud of what
your con­tri­bu­tion does to help others. We are hugely grate­ful for your support for
the women and their whanau we work with – they are still very much our priority.

Yours faith­fully,

Suzanne O’Rourke
Chair of Trustees
Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust